Top 10 Best Horror Movies

Top 10 horror movies 2011Although most people wouldn’t want to be chased by a ghost in the middle of the night, it would be perfectly alright to watch a horror movie that would make your blood run cold. Just like extreme sports, horror movies give you an adrenaline rush full of thrill and fear. This is something which is not an everyday experience for a normal human and thus it creates attraction. Some people enjoy being scared in a safe kind of way and others get a kick out of it. Be it your bedroom or a cinema hall, the special effects mixed up with surprises and a nerve wrecking climax of the best horror movies of 2011 horror movies do keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Although horror movies have a lot in common with the thriller genre, they have made their own mark in the film industry. This year, as always, loads of horror movies have been released and a few have yet to be announced.  Big releases like The woman in black (a 1983 thriller by Susan Hill) starring Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliff and The Apparition have been pushed out of 2011 due to  post production work. Others, luckily, have made it to the big screens and have thrilled and haunted us for quite a while now. The Top horror movies of 2011 are as follows

10. Insidious

A chilling tale of a family trying to save their son from eternal hell. This might seem like a very ordinary storyline but Insidious manages to make you jump and doses it again and again. Dalton falls in a coma without a reason. The family struggle to find out the cause and on the way, a darker past of his father is revealed. His father must face up to his disturbing history and attempt to rescue his only child from the same fate he once evaded. Paranormal forces are hell bent on making sure this doesn’t happen. Right from the opening credits, the attention of the audience is captured and it is not allowed to stray till the very last moment which will surely make you sweat! Insidious is certainly one not to be missed and it gets the tenth spot on the Top 10 best horror movies of 2011

9. The Ward

The Ward
Although The Ward might have a slight likeness to Zack Snyder’s recent Sucker Punch, the similarity dies off in the first ten minutes. This true gem is directed by Master of horror John Carpenter whose “bag full of tricks” style makes audience look over their shoulder many times during the movie! This slasher movie is about an allegedly mentally unstable woman who is locked up in a Psychiatric hospital in 1966. Here she finds some inmates, a tough nurse and a doctor who experiments on his patients. Sounds familiar? A paranormal entity enters the story and complicates the matters. Murder follows and soon it becomes a race against time to find out the truth. The Ward plays with your fears and taunts you psychologically. A must see for any horror fan who enjoys being terrorized by his TV screen! 

8. Apollo 18

Apollo 18
This September release has secured 8th place in the Top 10 horror movies of 2011. Like Transformers Dark of the Moon, Apollo 18 presents history’s darkest secret which are still unknown. The tension it successfully creates in the viewers’ minds is unbelievable. Who could have thought old footages compiled together and mixed up with videos can create such an effect. Apollo 18 tells us the tale of a secret mission to the moon. Something happened there which forced NASA to never land back on the moon again. It is evident that Apollo 18 is heavily influenced by hits like  Paranormal Activity and REC. Even the fact that we know that this movie is fiction does not lower the thrill and fright. This is certainly a not to be missed title. 

7. The Haunting In Georgia

The haunting in georgia
This title follows in the foot steps of The Haunting in Connecticut in which a family moves into a new house and soon finds that it used to be a mortuary. Supernatural entities wreck havoc in their lives. The same theme is used this time around in The Haunting in Georgia in which a new couple finds that they are not the only one in their house. The horror does not come from the discontent spirits or annoyed devils but by the way of immaculate timing. The viewer expects something to happen but still get frightened by the event. The background score and effects strike such a perfect balance with the visuals that the audience get immersed within the events in no time. The Haunting in Georgia really frightens you and then a little more. Certainly not for the faint hearted! 

6. Fright Night

Fright Night
A remake of one of the best horror movies from the 80s, director Craig Gillespie has really put his heart into Fright Night. Creating a horror movie destined for greatness is hard enough. Then taking it and trying to make it better is way more difficult to say the least. Fan expectations and the pressure to recreate gold certainly didn’t get the better of the director. He has come out with a brilliant remake and still managed to make it in his own way. A teenager suspects his neighbor of being a vampire and responsible for recent murders and abductions. Since no one believes him, he teams up with a local celebrity to bring an end to this menace. Thrilling and entertaining at the same time, this movie frightens you as well as makes you laugh as our hero battles it out to bring evil to an end. Colin Farrell particularly steals the show with his dead on impersonation of a vampire not unlike the ones in Underworld. For those who missed the original Fright Night, this one very cunningly captures the essence of the original and for those who loved the first one, it gets even better! 

5. Don’t Be Afraid Of the Dark

Dont be afraid of the dark
Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night will suddenly be transformed into a harrowing experience once you have watched Don’t be afraid of the Dark ! Coming in at number 5 on the best horror movies of 2011 Top 10 list, the remake of this 70s hit has done justice in bringing the classic over to the next century. A young girl opens up a gateway in a rundown mansion which brings monsters over to our world. The most interesting thing in the movie is how the mansion is portrayed as a living object instead of something dead. The atmosphere created here is perfect for the mood it sets and the twists in the plot keep us glued. A chill travels down our spines as we are taken through the house and the transformation its gets over the course of the movie. Don’t be Afraid of the Dark is not a typical horror movie but more of a thriller horror type which is bound to leave you feeling scared…of nothing. 

4. Paranormal Activity 3

Paranormal Activity 3
It was pretty hard to believe that Paranormal Activity was a work of fiction and not video excerpts from an original event. Everything seemed so real and life like that many people refused to believe that it was phony. This series managed to make us leap out of our skin in dread without even showing any ghosts or undead. The mood and events structuring is so brilliant that anyone who saw this horror movie would not want to shift to a new house anytime soon! The most unique element of this move is that you can actually feel the entity as it roams the house without actually seeing it! The third installation of the Paranormal Activity series is going to hit the cinemas soon as is already dubbed as the best horror movie of the year by the people who went to its private screening. 

3. The Rite

The Rite
Anything that Anthony Hopkins touches turns to gold and so is the case with The Rite. Landing at number 3 of the Top 10 Best horror movies 2011, the movie depicts the fight between good and evil in a very unusual fashion. A young priest loses faith in God and feels lost. He is urged by a senior to travel to Italy and undertake an exorcism course so that his beliefs could be strengthened. Still not getting the answers to his questions, he is then sent to a very unconventional priest (Anthony Hopkins). What happens next leaves both the teacher and student baffled. The start is a bit unhurried but as we progress, we find ourselves face to face with the devil himself. Excellent acting from the leading pair with flawless support from co-stars creates uneasiness even among the most uninterested viewer. Even without heavy effects of 3D, The Rite manages to take us where only a select few have managed to go. A definite watch for everyone who loves a good movie, let alone a chill down the spine! 


The 11th of November this year has a very interesting history attached to it. It has been said that on this day, exactly on the 11th minute of the 11th hour, a door would open and demons will enter our earth unhindered. This is the core of the movie which is based on the 11:11 legend. Based in Spain, this movie shows how this event affects three unique people and the aftermath of this destructive event. Darren Lynn Bousman is directing this horror-thriller title and is known for hits like SAW and Mother’s day from last year. Interestingly, it will be launched on the same date as is the name of the movie. People are already drooling over the released previews and material and 11-11-11 easily is one of the biggest hits of the year. All the psychological twists and horrifying scenes will make double the impact thanks to the mind bending special effects.On a lighter note, 11 can be seen as 1+1=2 which is the rank of this movie on the Top 10 horror movies 2011 list! 

1. The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)

The human centipede 2 (Full Sequence)
To say that the original Human Centipede was shocking has to be the understatement of the century. What the movie actually does is make you cry out in pain and agony with the characters in the movie. Such is the shock of the happenings in this movie that many people have refused to see it altogether. It has also faced a ban in many countries. Events unfold in such a way that the movie actually plays with the imagination as well as the fears of its audience and tends to stay with them long after the drop scene. Imagine a ruthless madman deciding to live out his fantasy by stitching up 12 people in a line to create his own human centipede! Keens are slashed and teeth are removed to make things worse. The repulsive nature of this movie greatly attracts many horror fans and viewer discretion is advised. Coming on top of the Top 10 best horror movies 2011 list, it is interesting to note that execution and timing is used to horrify the views instead of blood and gore. A third installment named final sequence will be released in 2013. 


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